Bitmain Antminer S19j Pro 104Th


Model Antminer S19j Pro from Bitmain mining SHA-256 algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 104Th/s for a power consumption of 3068W.

    • Price includes duties, taxes & tariff
    • Estimated to ship within 2-14 days
    • Brand new in box

**Crypto or Wire transfer payments only**

Important Information

Please be aware that due to the current market state orders placed after 4:00 PM MST may result in a price change.
In the unlikely event of a price change you will be notified by a member of our team. We will send an updated offer with which you will be able to decide if you would like to continue with the purchase or cancel.
Thank you for your understanding.

Please notice, Due to the recent 27.6% increase in tariffs on miners, the price has been increased for
customers shopping from inside the United States. If you are shopping from outside of the United States
your price has NOT been affected and the listed price is correct. We are working diligently with our
supply chain on a solution. Unfortunately, this tariff is unavoidable as the CBP will prosecute any
individual or company attempting to bypass the tariff. Thank you for your understanding.*